It's nearly that time of year again — Corporate Compliance & Ethics Week! And we know that a big event — or series of events — like that doesn’t just happen. It takes a lot of sweat equity from compliance and ethics professionals. And we know that sometimes other priorities get in the way of having adequate time to plan for a week of activities, promotions, and information highlighting compliance.

So we’re here to help! No matter where you’re at in planning for your compliance and ethics week— even if you haven’t started yet — we’ve got some ideas for you. Remember, too, that we offer communication materials that can be used off-the-shelf or customized for your organization.

(What is Compliance and Ethics Week, you’re wondering? Since 2005, the Society of Corporate Compliance and Ethics (SCCE) has designated a week to highlight the importance of compliance and ethics. This year, it’s November 3-9. Many organizations also designate their own compliance and ethics week, not necessarily in November.)

We are excited to share some practical ideas that will enhance your curriculum and strengths, elevating your visibility and impact within just one week!

Rethink Compliance Communication Packages Example
Start With a Goal

We always advise our clients to “begin at the end,” especially those enhancing their compliance curriculum with communication initiatives. “Begin at the end” means defining a clear goal you want to accomplish by the end of this campaign.

How do you find your “begin at the end?” Start by asking the right questions:

  • What new challenges have emerged this year?
  • Which new policies, regulations, or laws are having the most significant impact on your organization?
  • What is the single most important thing you want employees to understand about compliance?

Select one idea and concentrate your efforts there.Executing one well-crafted message can significantly raise awareness during compliance and ethics week.  

For example, in many organizations, speaking up resonates with everyone, regardless of their role. This would be an excellent compliance and ethics week theme, especially if you have limited resources and are short on time. Why? Because it’s specific and relevant, and any materials you create can be used again.  

Evaluate Your Resources

When planning, it’s important to consider your time, budget, materials, and skills. Ask yourself, realistically: What can you and your team accomplish in a month? When short on time, we advise clients to focus on what they do well and lean into that. It’s much better to support current initiatives than try to do something too big and overextend your team.

For instance, the theme of speaking up is likely something you already have messaging for, such as posters with the hotline number. Can your team develop some digital images with the speak up messaging that could be used as virtual meeting backgrounds or on on-site digital screens? Could a team member put together an infographic that highlights the process after a report is made? What about an online participatory game, such as Kahoot, that features questions about reporting channels and true or false questions about speaking up? Build on what you can do and reinforce your existing materials and the curriculum already planned.

Gain Support From Leadership

I know we’re on a tight timeline here, and getting in front of leaders can be difficult. However, gaining exposure and support from top leaders can significantly enhance your visibility. Remember your partnerships here — compliance professionals excel at building connections throughout the organization. Can you reuse the CEO's letter or video message that introduces your Code of Conduct training? Could your internal communications partners integrate compliance and ethics week messaging into their employee communications?  

Let's revisit the speak up theme. This is a message thatCompliance already owns. Would your CCO be willing to conduct a 30-minute lunch-and-learn webinar on speaking up? Or would they consider recording a scripted 2- to 3-minute video emphasizing the importance of speaking up?

Preparing for your compliance and ethics week may seem daunting, with only a month to go. Still, you can significantly enhance your compliance program's visibility and effectiveness by focusing on achievable goals, leveraging existing resources, and concentrating on impactful messaging. Remember that small, well-executed initiatives can have a lasting impact. Start with a clear goal, evaluate your resources realistically, and seek the backing of your organization's leaders to make this compliance and ethics week a meaningful and successful campaign.

Further Reading

Want more information? Check out these resources from communications and compliance leaders across Rethink:

Ideas and Inspiration

At Rethink, we’re all about collaboration. Here are some ideas for starting your compliance and ethics week planning.

The SCCE has a free toolkit of ideas for members. And remember, our team is ready to help you, too!

Further Reading